Friday, January 13, 2006

Welcome to the New Carolina Circle City

When you accessed this site a second ago, you might have noticed something a little different. Okay pretty different. Okay a lot different.

As the motto states, this blog is dedicated to Carolina Circle Mall. I felt the template of the blog should sort of match the mall as well. Remember the 1988 renovation? Think of this new new style as a technical version of the 1988 renovation. This will now be known as the Carolina Circle City Renovation of 2006. I tried to choose a template that looked the most like the mall. This one I think depicts the mall's interior design.

The Current Wal-Mart Status and Virtual Carolina Circle Features have been temporarly removed until I can complete the transition. In road terms, this blog is still under construction.

This is new addition number 1 of the 2006 Roadgeek BlogRing Improvement. Expect some new stuff on this blog and the other two soon.


Livemalls said...

I like this color scheme a little better than the other one.

Billy said...

The original color scheme was designed to look like the carpet of Montgomery Ward. But I like this one better because it's designed to look like the whole mall.

Anonymous said...

Love the new look Billy! Way to go!!