Sunday, January 08, 2006

Carolina Circle Comedy

Alright, I'm a comedy lover. I'm also a picky comedy lover and I only go for the clean non-edgy jokes. I'm going to try to make some jokes here about Carolina Circle Mall.

Please note: The following report is completely fake and don't believe a word of it.

New Windows XP Virus discovered:

A new worm is going around the Internet attacking computers that have Windows XP. It's called the Carolina Circle's Kiss. It can be picked up by e-mail, downloads, or sneezing on your computer. If contracted, it will mess the color balance of your monitor up by making it look lime green and pink. It will also attack any program that uses the Microsoft Windows emblem by changing it to the Carolina Circle Crescent. Internet Explorer will be replaced with Carousel Explorer and will make you dizzy. After all of this occurs, your computer will suddenly shut off permenantly and all your hardware will crash permanetly. After proper repairs, your operating system will become Wal-Mart XP.

Top 5 Reasons Why Carolina Circle Mall Closed:

5. During a poker game between Carolina Circle Mall, Four Seasons Town Centre, and Hanes Mall, Carolina Circle Mall bet its open rights, and lost.

4. Too many people hypnotized by the circular movement of the carousel.

3. Disco died.

2. Four Seasons opened "Pie Town".

1. Carolina Circle 6 Theatre's showed the movie "Chopping Mall" one too many times.


Livemalls said...

3. Disco died.


Anonymous said...

thats good stuff lmao


Anonymous said...


Roadgeek's Top Five list! Similar to David Letterman's Top 10 list!