Sunday, December 11, 2005

Roadgeeking at Carolina Circle Part 1

In my continuing saga to prove that Carolina Circle Mall was a roadgeek, I've created these two freeway signs to prove my theory. The first floor corridor is known as CC-23 (North/South) and the second floor corridor is known as CC-67 (North/South). The appendix corridor (Theater/Piccadilly) is known as "Theatre Boulevard" however is unsigned. The food court/carousel area is known as CC-223 (North/South). The second floor loop above the food court is known as CC-467 (North/South).

"Exit 4" is the actual escalator to the second floor. The sign giving direction to Dillard's first floor is an opening near the fountain.

Located at the first food court access section going toward Belk. CC-123 is known as a half-beltway.

I'll be adding more signs during the next few days so stay tuned for more Roadgeeking at Carolina Circle.

1 comment:

Livemalls said...

You've found a way to give CCM nostalgia your own unique slant :-)