Saturday, January 26, 2008

Pinpointing the Carousel Removal Date

Ever since I started my research on Carolina Circle Mall back in 2005, I've discovered something pretty hard to research.

For some reason, I can not find the date the Carousel was removed. But here are some clues I've come across.

Obviously, the Carousel existed all of 1995 because I remember riding it thoroughly throughout that year. Also, an editorial article in the Greensboro News & Record from January 1996 states that a daycare visited the mall Christmas 1995 and mentions the kids riding the Carousel.

I really want to say that the Carousel was still there most of 1996. However, by the second half of 1996 is where it starts getting confusing. My personal memories sort of backlash around this point because it seems like I may remember riding it around that time, however this seems like around the same time the Carousel was removed.

Unfortunately, I have found no newspaper articles relating to this event. So I always simply assume that the Carousel was removed in either late 1996 or early 1997. Any thoughts?

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